A Kolkatan Uncle Duplex
Shome Dasgupta
Litchi juiced like drips from a chin to a wrist.
Dirt and blood grind in the teeth of jealous eyes.
A mouth full of red dirt and blood grind on fruit.
On golden grass, sliced mango spreads like a crown.
A mango sun rains on a golden grass green:
Uncle, prostrated and sobbing in the shine.
Uncle, in the shine of sobbing, prostrated
He held my hand once, crossing the street for sweets.
Cakes and sweets, I held his hand to cross the street
—Uncle lives there now with ragged cloth and knees.
My uncle lives with torn knees and ragged cloth,
I’m here now in the Cajun South, soft singing:
I’m singing in the Cajun South about him—
litchi juiced like drips from a chin to a wrist.
Shome Dasgupta is the author of The Seagull And The Urn (HarperCollins India), and most recently, the novel The Muu-Antiques (Malarkey Books), a short story collection Atchafalaya Darling (Belle Point Press), and a poetry collection Iron Oxide (Assure Press). His writing has appeared in McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Emerson Review, New Orleans Review, Jabberwock Review, American Book Review, Arkansas Review, Magma Poetry, and elsewhere. He lives in Lafayette, LA and can be found at www.shomedome.com and @laughingyeti.

Poetry Judge
Allison Field Bell
Allison Field Bell is a multi-genre writer originally from northern California, but currently living in Utah.