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Kyle Newman

The city makes me for a splinter

and an approximate solitaire.


It cements me within

the half-life of a decaying stadium

where someone in the rotunda dons

unsuspecting statues with scapulars.


My sins written in chalk

on all walkways orbiting

the riverfront, with not a cloud in sight. 


Sons learning to ride bikes in cul-de-sacs

projecting on the white sides

of high rises at twilight, like drugs 

dissolving on the tip of my tongue


and the flags are at half-mast

and I have no idea why

other than to guess the factories must be

sleeping without dreaming again. 


This is the place I pick

to save the prior minute’s version

of myself: The pennies scattered

in a mirage off in the distance

and if I squint long enough,

they take the shape of a sequoia.


KG Newman is a sportswriter for The Denver Post. His first four collections of poems are available on Amazon and he has been published in scores of literary journals worldwide. The Arizona State University alum is on Twitter @KyleNewmanDP and more info and writing can be found at He is the poetry editor of Hidden Peak Press and he lives in Hidden Village, Colorado, with his wife, three kids and four dogs.



​Poetry Judge

Allison Field Bell

Allison Field Bell is a multi-genre writer originally from northern California, but currently living in Utah.


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