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MoonLit Getaway is a realm of refuge, apart from our demanding world. Our content enraptures readers, easing their everyday worries with excitement, wonder, and intrigue.

We showcase all genres of artwork, fiction, and poetry and accept submissions from anywhere in the world. We feature the work of new, emerging, and established creators on our website, and publish our favorites every fall in our anthology.



We have three submission categories: artwork, fiction, and poetry. You may submit to multiple categories, but only once per category. If you have a submission under consideration, do not submit to the same category until you have received a decision from our editors. 


We accept simultaneous submissions but ask that you notify us immediately if your submission is accepted elsewhere. We do not accept AI-generated content or previously published work (this includes social media, personal websites, and blogs).

Each submission must include a cover letter with the following information:

  • full name;

  • mailing address; 

  • submission title;

  • submission category;

  • word count (if applicable);

  • a bio written in the third person (600-characters max); and 

  • any additional, relevant information that you want our editors to know about your submission.


Artwork of any medium may be submitted, including paintings, photographs, drawings, and digital art. 

A photo or image file of the artwork at a resolution of at least 300 dpi is required and should be uploaded in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png format. The file can be no longer than 10 MB. 

Read our tips on creating a high-quality digital image of your artwork.

Include one image of the entire artwork and 2-5 additional shots for detail or context (with the exception of digital art). You may use these detail shots to show your work from another angle or to highlight intricate details such as brush strokes or shading.

Entries must include a title, medium, dimensions of the physical piece (if applicable), and a 150-word artist statement, interpreting and describing the art from the artist’s point of view.


Submit one story, no longer than 2500 words. Only .docx, or PDF file formats are accepted. Manuscripts must be in Times New Roman font, paginated, and double-spaced. Include a word count at the end of your work. 


Submit up to 8 poems in a single document; ensure each poem begins on a new page. Only .docx, or PDF file formats will be accepted.​​


We request first publication rights, after which Copyright returns to the contributor. We also request the right to keep an accepted submission on our site for at least one year following initial publication. After the one-year period, contributors may request it be removed; otherwise, it will remain on the site. 


Not all submissions featured on our website will appear in our anthology. Contributors selected for publication in our anthology will receive a separate offer letter.


Submissions are currently free; however, we reserve the right to begin charging an administration fee if submission numbers overwhelm our volunteer team. 



Creators published in our anthology will receive a physical contributor copy of the issue in which their work appeared.


MoonLit Getaway is a new literary journal composed entirely of volunteers. The ability to cover operational costs and pay contributors is one of our primary objectives, but we are not there yet. At this stage, all we can offer those who appear on our website is exposure and our best efforts to promote them and their work.



Following the success of our Grand Opening Contest, we are keen to run more. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for updates about future contests.


Submissions for the Grand Opening Contest are open now!



How to make a Digital Scan of your Artwork
  1. Place your artwork directly on the glass bed of the scanner. If your artwork is larger than the scanner, take a picture instead.

  2. Set the scanner to make a color scan and output the file as a .jpg or .pdf. Click scan.

  3. Open the file on your computer to confirm that it looks good, is in color, is straight and not at an angle, and between 3-10 MB in size.

  4. If necessary, rotate the image so that it is upright.

How to Photograph your Artwork
  1. Place your artwork on the floor or against the wall in a naturally lit location. Do not use flash photography.

  2. Use your phone or digital camera to take a picture of your artwork straight-on and as close to your artwork as possible. Center the lens of your camera or phone with the center of the artwork to prevent distortion. Make sure there are no shadows or glare on your artwork when you take the image. Move the artwork to a different location if this occurs. If the image is blurry, retake the photo.

  3. Open the file on your computer to confirm that it looks good, is straight and not at an angle, and between 3-10 MB in size.

  4. If necessary, rotate the image so that it is upright. We recommend cropping the image to show just your artwork. Do not make any substantial changes to the image, such as applying an Instagram filter. The goal is to have a photograph that resembles your original artwork as much as possible.

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